Friday, September 30, 2011


Had a freaky fucked up nightmare.
It sucked. :[
Getting tired of all these freaky dreams I get, but nothing I can do about it.
I'm so tiredddd....
It's still earlyish in the day so nothing really worth writing about has happened.
But I'm sure Mrs.Zilla or little sis will make some kind of appearance sooner or later.
Judging on how things went yesterday....
Probably later.
Wanted to go rollerblading tonight, but that's not an option right now...

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Am I irriated, haha! Of course not! Why would you ever ask such a question?

You've officially ticked me off.
You're sweet and smiling then something goes and ticks you offf.
So you have to make sure the whole fucking world is in a pissy, panties up your ass crack kind of mood.
WTF is up with that?!
I just don't understand, will I ever?
Pigs would probably have to fly before I'd understand your mentality!

I love and adore you, I really do.
But this shit is driving me INSANE.
Wait.... I'm pretty sure I already am insane, but at least it's not a bad insane!
Yet....if this shit keeps going on, I might really become the pyromaniac I feel I could be.
I mean who doesn't want to set a building on fire and watch the pretty flames eat it up?!

I need to have a relaxing day.
Without little sis, without Zilla, without ALL the animals.
I need a break from them.
I adore them, but everyone needs a break every once in a while.
I'm not wrong about that, even parents take vacations from their kids every now and then.
Even if they deny it!
It's true.

I'd love to just go somewhere with a friend or two and dance.
Let myself go for a little while and not have to give a flying fuck.

I'm a calm person, but they ruin my calm... no not ruin.
They fucking blow it up into teeny tiny nonexistent pieces!
I can only bottle up so much shit before I explode.
This is why my moods so whacky and fucked up latelyyy.

I can't figure out how to act and or feel.

I want to speak and stand up for myself, but I can't seem to jump that cliff that's before me.
All I can do is bite my tongue and bide my time, and possibly slowly lose my mind in the process.
But oh-fucking-well.
I'm supposed to be the happy preppy sunshiny person no matter what comes my way, ain't that right, Zills?!
Yeaaaahhhh.... Good fucking luck to me.

Rage, rage, blah, blah.
Listen to all this shit, I don't like to complain but sometimes I can't fucking help myself.
I've got to get this shit out, because it's eating ME ALIVEEEEE....

Party rock! Woo! Let's go, party rock is in the house tonightttt..
Everybody just have a good time!
And We gonna make you lose your mind!
We just wanna see ya, shake that!
This is when the dancing hamsters would come in and I'd dance along to the commercial.
But sadly I only have the song atm.
I could use a laugh or a smile atm.
Because atm I feel like punching the wall.
But what did my poor wall do to me?
Nothing, except keep me shielded from the other crazy ass people in my house.
Thank you walls! I love youuu...

Music helps meee..
All you other people have drugs and such, well music is mine!
It helps my mood, or sometimes makes it fall.
It depends on what I want from itttt.

My mind if whirling!
My thoughts are like a fucking tidal pool, all kinds of tiny fish, crustaceans, and other weird critters from DA SEA.
Swimming around, or going with the push and pull of the tide.
Dodging rocks, and things that want to eat ME.

Random fact...Dolphins have sex for pleasure like people!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I never realized why chicas always like, fawned over dudes with English accents...
But then... I talked to Liam.
He's got an Irish and English accent.
It's the coolest most adorable accent.
Ever, I swear.
I told him to say hi to my sister, and she just giggled the entire time.
I've got to say, it's a killer.
I just loved it tbh.

I feel a stupid headache coming on, I need Advil to save meee...

Oh and, I love the way he says computer! It's fuckin' adorable as hell.

Actors and such on tv, have nothing on Liam...
They suck as far as I'm concerned!

I'm so fucking tired.
But I don't really want to sleep....

I'm a bit distracted atm!


Getting a text message at... 12:30am.
Then talking on the phone until 5am and finally passing out... >.>
Did I fall asleep on the phone for the first time ever?

It's weird, I've never stayed on the phone for THAT long.
It was crazy, and I was hungry before I got on the phone and then we kept talking about food!
So that wasn't helping.
Did I ever get anything to eat?
I passed out exhausted, hungry, and on the phone.
What a horrid combination?!

I still haven't ate today, I don't really feel hungry though...
But I know if I don't eat I'll probably get that weird dizzy sensation that attacked me while my Father was home.
I'll get the headache from hell, again! >.>

I watched the movie You Again this morning with Mrs.Zilla and little sis.
I had already watched it the other night, but I'd been chatting with Mr.Paul.
So I didn't hear the entire movie.
Such a talk-a-tive dork.

Yesterday, I had the most fun playing games with a few buds on
Except on this one game, draw my thing.
It was lagging like a turtle through pudding!
(That's a lot btw)

And then we played pool, well, not everyoneee.
Because some people got bored and pool is only a two person game?!

Liam, kicked my ass.
And he called it beginners luck, psssh!
Luck my ass. >.>

I only beat Paul a few times...
But playing pool made me want to go to Wild Willie's.
They have pool there!

But when it came to LETTERBLOX.
I was the championnnnn.
No one could beat my word spelling skiilllz.

Paul swore he'd beat me, but never did. Hehe.

Speaking of challenges!
Paul is asking me to play again...