Monday, May 14, 2012


Because I am fucking AMAZING

So hi,
It's been a long fucking timeeeeeee....

I've just been going through a weird patch, but don't we all?

So all of a sudden I got home and MR.A. left today.

And so, on the way home (two hour fucking drive, that sucks) I got a RedBull.
Now, I normally only have these every once in a blue moon.
So... we were about 40 minutes from home when I got it and so I'm drinking it, and about half way through the can.
This guy is next to us in a truck, and he looked really fucking familiar.
So I'm like, "Mom, does he look familiar?"
And all of a sudden my sister is screaming from the back of the truck, "OMG! That's Bradley."
My face was full of shock, horror and I couldn't stop fucking laughing for some reason.
So I'm going to blame that on the complete randomness of the situation and the RedBull that's currently fucking my mind over.
And blasting music for the first time since MR.A. left, isn't helping.
Especially since it's a bunch of music I like.
Now I'm a believer - Smash Mouth.
Green Day,


So anyway....
Bradley is my ex, and I hadn't seen him in ages.
Because we don't exactly communicate and haven't exactly tried to stay friends since he dumped me like a fucking pussy through a text message.
Although I was pretty happy about it since I was planning on ending it anyway, but I was waiting till I saw him, because I didn't want to be a bitch through a fucking TEXT MESSAGE.
But I was dancing around the house when it happened.

But again, anyway!

He happened to pull into the gas station that we did, a few miles before we got home.
And he walked over and was blabbering to my mother, my sister and I.
It was weird, he showed off his tattoos and blah blah, fascinating I know.

So I walked into the store with little sister and he happened to walk in right behind us after going by his truck.
So I held the door, because I don't slam doors in peoples' faces when they're just a few feet away.

But he said to me as he came in, "So you're following me now?" and he gave a chuckle.
And I replied, "You're the one who came in after ME."

And that was the end of that conversation, I got another RedBull which I have yet to drink.
It's sitting in the fridge and I keep thinking about it.
I'm undecided on whether I should go get it and down it, but yeah...

So then I got on to check Facebook, and of course he just happens to be on.
And he starts talking to me.
And he asked me if I had plans this weekend, and I freaked out a little bit and said, "Not that I know of, might go skating Friday. But no set plans as of yet."

And his spelling REALLY pisses me off, because he spells "I know" as "i no."



So he wants me to go with him this weekend and watch him get a tattoo....
How fun does that sound?....

I think I'd probably go bored out of my mind, or be laughing evilly at his pain.

I'm fucked.
But it would be funny...


My mother thinks he's a fucking speed demon, because he was speeding a bit on the road, but you know...
She's never going to like any guy's driving, and what guy isn't a fucking speed demon?
Especially when they just got a new truck, I mean come on.

So anyway, lot of shit has happened, but I think I've babbled enough random shit for now.



  1. Victoria. OK, first, Bradley wants his ex to attend his tattooing? The tattoo experience is to be shared with people who give a shit, and Brad seems clueless.

    Unless, of course, you would like to see him suffer. If that's the case, you could go and keep saying, "Brad, it needs to be bigger and really, really dark all over."

    Second, no more Red Bull. Makes you think too much about exes.

    1. Normally I don't think about them!
      Also, I don't think the idea of telling him it needs to be bigger and darker would work.

      He's apparently getting "Buford" aka his "nickname" tattooed down his calf.
      Which in my opinion seems like a REALLY stupid idea, but it's his leg not mine......

      I only drink Red Bull every few months if that, I can't help myself sometimes. It's too fun to see what random kind of shit I think about.
